The 2024 Public Hearing Schedule of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission is now available for public download.
The Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission has received funds under “Infrastructure Investment and Job Act- Section 40601- Orphaned wells” to assist producers and/or landowners with the plugging and remediation of abandon oil and gas wells in the state. If you need assistance with these properties please contact our office. Our staff will be happy to discuss these opportunities with you.
To determine wells already identified and entered into this program you may enter AB into the search field of our GIS DataMining site. Future coverage will include a specific layer to identify these properties.
On May 1, 2022 the Conservation Tax mill levy will decrease to 7.0 mills per dollar.
Scanned drilling permits and location information are available from our Data Mining site. Enter ‘pw’ in the text search area and click on find. An expandable list of all currently permitted wells will show in the search pane. Click on Nebraska Wells to expand the list and then click on the well you are interested in. The map will zoom to that location and the Details Pane will show you details about well location and other pertinent information. Scanned copies of the drilling permit may be obtained by clicking on the Images Tab in the Details and and then choosing View Image next to the document you wish to view.
The Nebraska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission was founded in 1959. Its mission is to permit the development of Nebraska’s oil and natural gas resources up to the maximum efficient rate of production while promoting the health, safety, and environment of the residents of Nebraska.
Remote meeting will take place at on December 17, 2024